Carmona, J., Weidlich, M., & Dongen, B. V. (2020). Actionable Conformance Checking: From Intuitions to Code. In R-D. Kutsche, & E. Zimányi (Eds.), Big Data Management and Analytics – 9th European Summer School, eBISS 2019, Revised Selected Papers (pp. 1-24). (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing; Vol. 390). Springer.
Conformance checking is receiving increasing attention in the last years. This is due to several reasons, that can be summarized into two: the explosion of digital information that talks about processes, and the need to use this data in order to monitor and improve processes in organizations. Naturally, conformance checking addresses this by providing techniques capable of relating modeled and recorded process information. This paper overviews in a very accessible way the main techniques and feedback of the conformance checking field. Moreover, in order to make it actionable, code snippets are provided so that an organization can start a conformance checking project on its own data.