Exact and Approximated Log Alignments for Processes with Inter-case Dependencies

Sommers, D., Sidorova, N., & van Dongen, B. F. (2023). Exact and Approximated Log Alignments for Processes with Inter-case Dependencies. arXiv, 2023, Article 2304.05210. https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2304.05210


The execution of different cases of a process is often restricted by inter-case dependencies through e.g., queueing or shared resources. Various high-level Petri net formalisms have been proposed that are able to model and analyze coevolving cases. In this paper, we focus on a formalism tailored to conformance checking through alignments, which introduces challenges related to constraints the model should put on interacting process instances and on resource instances and their roles. We formulate requirements for modeling and analyzing resource-constrained processes, compare several Petri net extensions that allow for incorporating inter-case constraints. We argue that the Resource Constrained ν-net is an appropriate formalism to be used the context of conformance checking, which traditionally aligns cases individually failing to expose deviations on inter-case dependencies. We provide formal mathematical foundations of the globally aligned event log based on theory of partially ordered sets and propose an approximation technique based on the composition of individually aligned cases that resolves inter-case violations locally.

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