Facilitating GDPR compliance: the H2020 BPR4GDPR approach

Lioudakis, G. V., Koukovini, M. N., Papagiannakopoulou, E. I., Dellas, N., Kalaboukas, K., de Carvalho, R. M., Hassani, M., Bracciale, L., Bianchi, G., Juan-Verdejo, A., Alexakis, S., Gaudino, F., Cascone, D., & Barracano, P. (2020). Facilitating GDPR compliance: the H2020 BPR4GDPR approach. In I. O. Pappas, I. O. Pappas, P. Mikalef, L. Jaccheri, J. Krogstie, Y. K. Dwivedi, & M. Mäntymäki (Eds.), Digital Transformation for a Sustainable Society in the 21st Century – I3E 2019 IFIP WG 6.11 International Workshops, Revised Selected Papers (pp. 72-78). (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology; Vol. 573 AICT). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-39634-3_7


This paper outlines the approach followed by the H2020 BPR4GDPR project to facilitate GDPR compliance. Its goal is to provide a holistic framework able to support end-to-end GDPR-compliant intra- and inter-organisational ICT-enabled processes at various scales, while also being generic enough, fulfilling operational requirements covering diverse application domains. To this end, solutions proposed by BPR4GDPR cover the full process lifecycle addressing major challenges and priorities posed by the Regulation.

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