JBG060 Data Challenge 3

The objective of the Data Challenge courses is to teach students how to perform large-scale data-driven analyses themselves, combining technical skills acquired earlier with insights gained in methodological courses.

The focus of Data Challenge 3 is to take students through the entire life-cycle of a data analysis for public stakeholders, starting in a typical situation where neither the analysis question is sufficiently clear, nor the dataset is sufficiently well understood. The data challenge has a societal, a methodological, and a technical aspect. The societal aspect is to answer analysis questions driven by public interests and to communicate findings to public stakeholders (governance or society). Methodologically, students face the problem of having to answer an analysis question that is (initially) only partially defined while the data available is large and complex, and on one hand contains much more data than necessary to answer the question, and on the other hand may lack necessary data to answer the original question. Technically, the data has a temporal dimension that requires to include more dimensions in the analysis, conduct an analysis from multiple angles (with reduced dimensions), and to develop more dedicated visualizations to communicate the findings to stakeholders.

In the course, students will work in groups using SCRUM and follow the complete CRISP-DM lifecycle and use data exploration and visualization to gain an understanding of the data and acquire domain knowledge to derive clearly formulated research questions suitable for the stakeholder, develop and conduct an analysis that can handle various dimensions of the data and the research question, and validate their findings both technically as well as through visualizations adequate for stakeholders.



  • Dirk Fahland - Dirk is Associate Professor (UHD) in the PA group. He completed his PhD with summa cum laude at Humboldt-Univeristät zu Berlin and Eindhoven University of Technology in 2010. His research interests include distributed processes and systems built from distributed components for which he investigates modeling systems (using process modeling languages, Petri nets, or scenario-based techniques), Read More ...
  • Mitchel Brunings - Position: PhD-TA Room: MF 7.060 Tel (internal): Links: Courses Presentations Projects Publications External links: Google Scholar page Scopus page DBLP page TU/e page Awards Recent courses Recent presentations Recent projects Recent publications
  • Felix Mannhardt - Position: UD Room: MF 7.119 Tel (internal): 3425 Links: CoursesExternal assignmentsAssignmentsPresentationsProjectsPublications External links: Personal home pageGoogle scholar pageScopus pageORCID pageDBLP pageTU/e page Awards Recent courses Recent external assignments Recent assignments Recent presentations Recent projects Recent publications

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