Are you looking for a Master’s thesis topic that solves a challenging real-world problem, allows you to become a specialist in the area of processes and information systems, gives you cutting-edge knowledge to solve today’s problems regarding processes and their use in all kinds of organizations and companies?
The PA group offers you thesis topics and supervision in a group that has invented and developed cutting edge technologies that were applied in over 100 different companies and is now being used in various industrial tools, that has set and contributed to various standards in the area of process-aware information systems, that actively cooperates with many large companies in the area of process-aware information systems in the Netherlands and worldwide, as well as with universities and researchers from all over the world (we are currently running 17 projects with different partners), that received a perfect score in the 2012 evaluation of Computer Science groups in the Netherlands, that gives you clear and regular guidance through the challenges of a Master’s thesis project with the freedom to develop your own ideas, and that after all is fun and supportive to work with.
How to do a graduation project with the PA group?
We expect you to take our specialization courses in Process Mining:
If your are a TU/e student:
2AMI20 Advanced Process Mining, and our
2IMI00 Seminar “Analytics for Information Systems” (or show equivalent knowledge).
If your are a JADS student:
We can supervise you if you are a student in Computer Science or Data Science at the department of Mathematics & Computer Science or within the Master of Data Science and Entrepreneurship in JADS.
You need to find a topic and a supervisor matching your interests and skills.
Have a look at the Possible assignments and the Possible external assignments. You can also propose your own topics
Our Procedure for Master projects helps you finding the right topics for you
Let us know about your interests so we can match you to the right supervisor