New Assistant Professor: Francesca Zerbato

On April 15th, Francesca Zerbato started working as an Assistant Professor in the PA group. Francesca will be working with Dirk Fahland on the design, development and evaluation of interactive tools and software artifacts that can support the real needs of human analysts when dealing with complex and knowledge-intensive tasks such as data sense-making. A Read More …

ProM 6.12 released

AlphaRevisitExperiments 6.12.20, by Aaron Küsters DiSCover 6.12.50, by Eric Verbeek ExogenousData 6.11.1, by Sander Leemans and Adam Banham ExtendedHybridMiner 6.12.9, by Humam Kourani and Chiara Di Francescomarini LongDistanceDependencies 6.12.19, by Sander Leemans LPMSupportedWords 6.12.4, by Mitchel Brunings StochasticLabelledPetriNets 6.12.44, by Sander Leemans, Fabrizio Maggi, and Marco Montali See also our ProM 6.12 development page.

Bart Hompes and Marcus Dees won the “BPM Innovation award” at BPM 2022

On September 14th, Bart Hompes and Marcus Dees won the “BPM Innovation award” with their submission “Detecting and mitigating the event log mutability problem at UWV (Uitvoeringsinstuut Werknemersverzekering)” to the Industry Forum at the BPM 2022 conference in Münster, Germany. Congratulations to Bart and Marcus!

ProM 6.11 released

Today, October 13th, 2021, ProM 6.11 has been released. The framework of ProM 6.11 fixes a bug that resulted in an attempt to show a modal dialog even when using the (headless) CLI context. New packages in ProM 6.11 AdvancedEventLogFiltering 6.11.38, by Daniel Tacke genannt Unterberg CounterfactualExplanation 6.11.8, by Mahnaz Qafari ERPSimulator 6.11.1, by Gyunam Read More …

Lecturer Process Analytics

The process analytics research group of the department of Mathematics and Computer Science at Eindhoven University of Technology is looking for a fulltime or parttime lecturer. Position Non academic staff (supporting staff) Department(s) Department of Mathematics & Computer Science FTE 1,0 Date off 13/06/2021 Reference number V32.5007 Job description The small research group of Process Read More …

Run 13 of “Introduction to Process Mining with ProM” MOOC started on February 1, 2021

On February 1, 2021, the thirteenth run of the free FutureLearn online course ‘Introduction to process mining with ProM’ will start. Join the 17.000 students who enrolled before you and join the course! Process mining is a novel collection of techniques that connects the areas of data science and business process management. Using process mining Read More …

Run 7 of “Process Mining in Healthcare” MOOC started on February 1, 2021

On February 1, 2021, the seventh run of the free FutureLearn online course ‘Process mining in healthcare’ will start, register now! We are happy to be able to run this course again, after more than 3500 students registered for the first six runs. Healthcare in particular has come under increasing pressure to reduce cost while Read More …

New master: Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (in Dutch)

Data als brandstof voor kunstmatige intelligentie; TU/e start nieuwe masteropleiding EINDHOVEN – Zonder brandstof komt een auto niet vooruit. Hetzelfde principe gaat op voor kunstmatige intelligentie: zonder voldoende en goede data is daar niets intelligents aan. Een nieuwe master van de TU/e combineert daarom die twee disciplines. Bron: ED

Best PhD. Dissertation award at ICPM 2020 for Xixi Lu

Xixi Lu, a former PhD student of our group, has won the Best PhD. Dissertation award with her thesis “Using behavioral context in process mining: exploration, preprocessing and analysis of event data“. Her promotor was Wil van der Aalst, and Dirk Fahland was one of her copromotors.