New PostDoc: Allmin Susaiyah
On October 9th, Allmin Susaiyah started working as PostDoc in the PA group. Allmin will work under the supervision of Natalia Sidorova on the TACTICS project.
On October 9th, Allmin Susaiyah started working as PostDoc in the PA group. Allmin will work under the supervision of Natalia Sidorova on the TACTICS project.
Position: PostDoc Room: MF 7.117 Links: PresentationsProjectsPublications External links: Google scholar pageScopus pageDBLP pageTU/e page Recent presentations Recent projects Recent publications
TACTICS – Techniques for the Analysis of Client-Team InteraCtionS Description In various care and service settings (e.g. mental healthcare, youth care, social work), teams of professionals interact with clients to improve their well-being. The TACTICS project aims at the development of automated techniques to generate insights into the evolving statuses of such clients as well Read More …