Enhancing a visual analysis tool with conformance checking based on anti-pattern analysis at Philips Healthcare

Philips Healthcare produces an image-guided therapy system, called Azurion, that helps surgeons to execute complex procedures.

In the past Master projects at Philips Healthcare, Master students have already developed a visual logfile analysis tool that has been making waves within our organization and conformance checking methods to address anti-patterns describing unwanted behavior.

Now, we’re looking for a Master student to enhance the visual analysis tool with conformance checking based on anti-pattern analysis and bring it to the next level.

Another Master student would focus on bow-ties models to gain insights into how different events impact operations, whether causing delays or even the abortion of cases. This aspect of the project deals with the world of process optimization and risk management.

One more project is focused on the analysis of the changes in the app usage due to the introduction of the new app supporting the user working with Azurion. The Master student will focus on the discovery and comparison of models from the logs with the old and the new app.

The projects give an opportunity to apply your Data Science and Artificial Intelligence knowledge and skills in the area where you can contribute to better and more efficient patient care.

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