E-government services : comparing real and expected user behavior

Kalenkova, A. A., Ageev, A. A., Lomazova, I A. & van der Aalst, W. M.P. (2018). E-government services : comparing real and expected user behavior. In M. Weidlich & E. Teriente (Eds.), Business Process Management Workshops (pp. 484-496). (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, No. 308). Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands.


E-government web services are becoming increasingly popular among citizens of various countries. Usually, to receive a service, the user has to perform a sequence of steps. This sequence of steps forms a service rendering process. Using process mining techniques this process can be discovered from the information system’s event logs. A discovered process model of a real user behavior can assist in the analysis of service usability. Thus, for popular and well-designed services this process model will coincide with a reference process model of the expected user behavior. While for other services the observed real behavior and the modeled expected behavior can differ significantly. The main aim of this work is to suggest an approach for the comparison of process models and evaluate its applicability when applied to real-life e-government services.

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