Sani, Mohammadreza Fani, van Zelst, Sebastiaan J. & van der Aalst, Wil M.P. (2018). Improving process discovery results by filtering outliers using conditional behavioural probabilities. Business Process Management Workshops – BPM 2017 International Workshops, Revised Papers (pp. 216-229). (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, No. 308). Berlin: Springer.
Process discovery, one of the key challenges in process mining, aims at discovering process models from process execution data stored in event logs. Most discovery algorithms assume that all data in an event log conform to correct execution of the process, and hence, incorporate all behaviour in their resulting process model. However, in real event logs, noise and irrelevant infrequent behaviour are often present. Incorporating such behaviour results in complex, incomprehensible process models concealing the correct and/or relevant behaviour of the underlying process. In this paper, we propose a novel general purpose filtering method that exploits observed conditional probabilities between sequences of activities. The method has been implemented in both the ProM toolkit and the RapidProM framework. We evaluate our approach using real and synthetic event data. The results show that the proposed method accurately removes irrelevant behaviour and, indeed, improves process discovery results.